by Bill Snyder Astrophotography

Cosmic Worlds

The images below represent the field of view for the different image sizes listed. Just select the image size of your choice and use the button to add it to the Paypal cart.  If you have visited my booth at an Art Show these pictures are prepared the same as you see there.  If you have any questions, please contact me at  or Phone 724-880-3316 


11X14  on Metal $125


16×24 on Metal $295.00

20X30 on Metal  $395.00


26X40 on Metal  $450.00

Object Identification and Information below

Cosmic-Worlds--E1- Outlined Numbered Objects  ALL

Object information for the Space Mosaic Image
1 Sh2-155 Nebula
Sh2-115 is an emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus. It is approximately 7500 light years away. The open star cluster in this is known as Berkeley 90. This object is located about 2.5 degrees Northwest of the bright star Deneb This image was a NASA APOD on June 14, 2013
Scope Planewave 17in
Camera Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon Ha5nm OIII3nm SII5nm
Exposures Ha 7.6 hrs OIII 5.3hrs SII 5.6hrs 20min subs Total 18.5Hrs
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2012

2. NGC6962 Eastern Veil Nebula
The Veil Nebula is a cloud of heated and ionized gas and dust in the constellation Cygnus. It constitutes the visible portions of the Cygnus Loop (radio source W78, or Sharpless 103), a large but relatively faint supernova remnant. The source supernova exploded some 5,000 to 8,000 years ago, and the remnants have since expanded to cover an area roughly 3 degrees in diameter (about 6 times the diameter, or 36 times the area, of the full moon). The distance to the nebula is not precisely known, but Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) data supports a distance of about 1,470 light-years.[2]
Scope Planewave 17in
Camera Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon Ha5nm OIII3nm SII5nm
Exposures Ha 5hrs OIII 5hrs SII7hrs 20min subs
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2013

3. NGC891 Galaxy
NGC891 is an unbarred spiral galaxy in the constellation Andromeda. It is approximately 30 million light years away. It was discovered by William Herschel on October 6 1784. Although this galaxy looks as we think our own galaxy would look like when viewed edge-on, recent high-resolution images of its dusty disk show unusual filamentary. These patterns are extending into the halo of the galaxy, away from its galactic disk. Scientists presume that supernova explosions caused this interstellar dust to be thrown out of the galactic disk toward the halo. The galaxy is a member of the NGC 1023 group of galaxies in the Local Super cluster.
Scope Planewave 17in
Camera Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon LRGB
Exposures R 1.5Hrs G 1.5Hrs B 1.5Hrs L 5.8Hrs LRGB 10min subs
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2012

4 NGC1491 Nebula
NGC1491 is an emission nebula in Perseus. It is about 10,000 light years away.
Scope Planewave 17in
Camera Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon Ha5nm OIII3nm
Exposures Ha 7hrs OIII 4hrs SII 4hrs 20min subs Total 15hrs
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2013

5 NGC1333 Dark Nebula
NGC1333 Is a dark and dusty reflection nebula in Perseus. It is approximately 1000 light years from Earth. There is much going on in NGC1333. In this dark and dusty Nebula there is also Emission and Reflection Nebula. There is new star formation with most of the stars being less than 1,000,000 years old. That’s very young for a star, considering our sun is 4.5 billion years old now. NGC spans about 6 light years across.
Scope Planewave 17in
Camera Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon LRGB
Exposures R 2hrs G 2hrs B 2hrs L 6.75Hrs LRGB 15min subs Total time 12.75 Hrs
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2012

6. NGC7635 Bubble Nebula
NGC7635 The Bubble Nebula also known as Sharpless 162, and Caldwell 11, is approximately 7800 light years from earth. It is about 6 light years in diameter. NGC7635 lies in the constellation Cassiopeia. The powerful stellar winds from a Wolf-Rayet Star create the spherical bubble. A Wolf-Rayet Star is an unusually powerful star, discovered by astronomers Charles Wolf and Georges Rayet. This image is a Ha OIII BiColor image.
Scope Planewave 17in
Camera Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon Ha5nm OIII3nm
Exposures Ha 4hrs OIII 5hrs 20min subs
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2011

7. NGC5395 Heron Galaxy
NGC5395 also known as Arp84 the Heron Galaxy is approximately 162 million light years away. NGC5394 is an interacting galaxy, believed to have cartwheeled through NGC 5395. This is a rather small galaxy at 2.7 x 1.3 arcmin.
Scope Planewave 17in
Camera Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon LRGB
Exposures RGB 2Hrs each L 8Hrs LRGB 15min subs Total time 14hrs
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2012

8. NGC2237 Rosette Nebula
The Rosette Nebula is not the only cosmic cloud of gas and dust to evoke the imagery of flowers — but it is the most famous. At the edge of a large molecular cloud in Monoceros, some 5,000 light years away, the petals of this rose are actually a stellar nursery whose lovely, symmetric shape is sculpted by the winds and radiation from its central cluster of hot young stars. The stars in the energetic cluster, cataloged as NGC 2244, are only a few million years old, while the central cavity in the Rosette Nebula, cataloged as NGC 2237, is about 50 light-years in diameter. The nebula can be seen firsthand with a small telescope toward the constellation of the Unicorn (Monoceros).
Scope TMB130mm
Camera Apogee U8300
Mount Atlas EQG
Filters Astrodon Ha5nm OIII3nm SII3nm
Exposures Ha 3hrs OIII 5hrs 20min subs Total 8Hrs
Location Connellsville Pa. Home Observatory 2013

9. NGC4490 Galaxy
This galaxy is detectable only 30 ‘from the star β Canum Venaticorum, we show how a molten highly irregular due to the interaction with a small neighboring galaxy, NGC 4485. Both are visible with an instrument for opening of 120-150mm, although it is much less flashy. The nucleus is very bright and dominates the entire galaxy, the arms are arranged in east-west direction, with the western facing the companion NGC 4485. The system is far from the Milky Way galaxy about 23 million light-years
Scope TMB130mm
Camera Apogee U8300
Mount Atlas EQG
Filters Astrodon LRGB Gen1
Exposures L 2.5hrs Ha 1.5hrs R 1hrs G 1hrs B 1hrs 10min subs Total 7hrs
Location Connellsville Pa. Home Observatory 2011

10. NGC7000 The Cygnus Wall
The Cygnus Wall is in the southern area of NGC7000 also known as the North America Nebula. It is approximately 1800 light years from Earth, and is in the constellation Cygnus. The Wall is an energized shock front and contains the most concentrated star formations in the nebula. The size of the North America Nebula is about 4 full moons.
Scope Planewave 17in
Camera Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon Ha5nm OIII3nm SII5nm
Exposures Ha 6hrs OIII 6hrs SII 6hrs 20min subs
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2013

11. IC1396 Elephant Trunk
IC1396 The Elephant Trunk Nebula in the constellation Cepheus, it is approximately 2400 light years from earth. This image is part of a larger region of nebulosity and star cluster IC1396.
Scope TMB130mm
Camera Apogee U8300
Mount Atlas EQG
Filters Astrodon Ha5nm OIII3nm SII3nm
Exposures Ha 9hrs OIII 8hrs SII 9hrs 20min subs
Location Connellsville Pa. Home Observatory 2011

12. M76 Little Dumbbell Nebula
M76 is a planetary nebula in the constellation Perseus. It is approximately 2500 light years away, and about 1 1/2 lights years across. M76 is one of the fainter Messier objects. Planetary nebula, like M76 and M57 and M27, are made of glowing shells of gas ejected by stars late in their life. The gas is ionized by the ultraviolet radiation from the hot core of the star. Despite the name planetary nebulae these have nothing to do with planets. They were named this when they were first discovered because of their similar appearance in size and color to the planet Uranus that was discovered in 1781.
Scope Planewave 17in for Ha, SII, OIII and RCOS 16in for BiColor OIII
Camera Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon Ha5nm OIII3nm SII5nm
Exposures Ha 6.6hrs OIII 6hrs Ha 20min subs OIII 30min subs
Exposures Ha 7.3hrs OIII 9.6hrs SII 8.6hrs TriColor image
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2012-13

13 NGC660 Polar Ring Galaxy
NGC 660 Polar ring Galaxy is approximately 20 million light years away in the constellation Pisces. A Polar Ring Galaxy is a type of galaxy in which an outer ring of gas and stars rotates over the poles of the galaxy. A rare galaxy, these galaxies have a substantial population of stars, gas, and dust orbiting in rings, perpendicular to the plane of the galactic disk. This may have been caused by capturing material from a passing galaxy.
Scope Planewave 17in
Camera Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon LRGB
Exposures R 2.1Hrs G 2Hrs B 3.6Hrs L 6.6Hrs LRGB 10min subs
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2011

14. Barnard 147 in Cygnus
Barnard 147 is a snake-like dark nebula in the Cygnus constellation. It is a well-defined dark area just below open cluster NGC6871 and represented well in the upper left section of the image presented. It is in close proximity to Barnard 146. This is also sometimes called the swordfish nebula.
Scope Planewave 17in
Camera Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon Ha5nm OIII3nm SII5nm
Exposures Ha 4.3hrs OIII 4hrs SII4hrs 20min subs
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2012

15. NGC7822 The Pillars
NGC 7822 is a young star forming complex in the constellation of Cepheus NGC 7822 (also designated Sharpless 171, SH 2-171) is a young irregular emission nebula and star forming region of about 40 light-years across, located some 3,300 light-years away at the edge of a giant molecular cloud toward the northern constellation Cepheus. It is home to the young star cluster Berkeley 59, whose stars are just a few million years old. A supernova remnant associated with NGC 7822, indicates that a massive star has already exploded. At the edge of a giant molecular cloud toward the northern constellation Cepheus, the glowing star forming region lies about 3,000 light-years away.
Scope TMB130mm
Camera Apogee U8300
Mount Atlas EQG
Filters Astrodon Ha5nm OIII3nm SII3nm
Exposures Ha 11hrs OIII 5hrs SII 5hrs 20min subs Total 22hrs
Location Connellsville Pa. Home Observatory 2012

16. IC1318
IC 1318 South of the Butterfly
This is a 2 panel mosaic of an area in the constellation Cygnus very close to the star Sadar. Each panel is a combination of over 20 hrs of exposure time so the total exposure for this image is 45hr.
Scope TMB130mm
Camera Apogee U8300
Mount Atlas EQG
Filters Astrodon Ha5nm OIII3nm SII3nm
Exposures Ha 9.5hrs OIII 6.5hrs SII 6.5hrs 20min subs x 2 Total 45hrs
Location Connellsville Pa. Home Observatory 2013

17. NGC7023 Iris Nebula
NGC7023 the Iris Nebula is bright reflection nebula in the constellation Cepheus. It is aproxmatly1300 light years away and 6 light years across. NGC7023 is the cluster inside the nebula. The nebula is illuminated by a +6.8 mag star SAO19158.
Scope Planewave 17in
Camera Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon LRGB
Exposures R1.5hrs G1.5hrs B1.5hrs L 4Hrs LRGB 15min subs
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2012

18. IC434 Horsehead Nebula
IC434 The Horsehead Nebula is approximately 1500 light years from Earth in the constellation Orion. The Horsehead itself, is a dark nebula surrounded by emission nebula. The reddish glow surrounding the dark dust clouds of the horsehead is hydrogen gas ionized by the bright star Sigma Orion’s. Bright spots in the Horsehead Nebula’s base are young stars just in the process of forming.
Scope Planewave 17in for Ha / RCOS 12.5 for RGB
Camera Apogee U16 for Ha / SBIG 11000 for RGB
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon LRGB Ha5nm
Exposures RGB 2.8hrs each Ha 8.3hrs Total time 16.7hrs
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2013
3 years of imaging 300Hrs Total Exposure Time

19. NGC6914
NGC6914 is a reflection in the constellation Cygnus. It is approximately 6000 light years away. This being a Narrowband image the reflection nebula in the center of the object is not visible. The image below has the RGB Stars added to it and the reflection nebula data. The region represents an immense collection of young stars.
Scope TMB130mm
Camera Apogee U8300
Mount Atlas EQG
Filters Astrodon Ha5nm OIII3nm SII3nm
Exposures 6 Ha hrs OIII 5hrs SII 5.3hrs 20min subs Total 16.3hrs
Location Connellsville Pa. Home Observatory 2012

20. M57 Ring Nebula
M57 is in the constellation Lyra it is approximately 2300 light years from earth. It was discovered in January 1779 by Antoine Darquier de Pellepoix M57 is a planetary Nebula known as a Bipolar nebula whose thick equatorial rings visibly extend the structure through its main axis of symmetry. This object also has a large amount of Ha OIII and SII making it a very good tri color target for Narrowband imaging
Scope Planewave 17in
CCD Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon Ha 5nm OIII 3nm
Exposures Ha10hrs 30x20min OIII9hrs 27x20min SII9hrs 27x20min
Location: Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2011 – 2013

21. 18. M100 Galaxy
M100 lies in the southern part of constellation Coma Berenices. It”s one of the brightest galaxies in the Virgo cluster, and approximately 55 million light-years distant from Earth. It has a diameter of 160,000 light years. Five supernova have been discovered in M100 since 1901.
Scope Planewave 17in
Camera Apogee U16
Mount Paramount ME
Filters Astrodon LRGB Ha5nm
Exposures RGB 6 Hrs each L 14 Hrs Ha7.5 hrs Ha 20min subs LRGB 15min subs Total 40hrs
Location Sierra Nevada Mountains CA. Heavens Mirror Observatory SRO 2012 2013