Stardust City Pittsburgh
The images below represent the field of view for the different image sizes listed. Just select the image size of your choice and use the button to add it to the Paypal cart. If you have visited my booth at an Art Show these pictures are prepared the same as you see there. If you have any questions, please contact me at or Phone 724-880-3316
This is a photo I have taken of Pittsburgh Pa. and then layered in many of my deep space images. Feel free to zoom in and observe the detail, there are 36 different image layers combined in this. The Stardust title is referring to the fact that everything is derived from the life cycle of stars and remnants produced by exploding stars called supernovas.

11X14 Print 55.00
11X14 on Metal 125.00

12×24 on Metal $195
20×40 on Metal $695